WHERE CAN I FIND THE SCHEDULE?- Log in to your Account,
- Another way is to go to the CALENDAR for a weekly/monthly overview.
- All games have a 30-45 min time window in between games
- Teams and Age Groups play weekly, so they can have a total of 6-8 games.
- Some Teams and Age Groups have BYE weekends (meaning no game) due to uneven brackets.
GAME ATTENDANCE FOR PARENTSWe have attached the GAME DAY GRID - you will see there is a designated area for parents to attend. Please follow our PBC, Parks and Rec, and AYSO1370 guidelines as communicated.

FLORIDA WEATHER GUIDELINESThe weather here in South Florida is very unpredictable and could be dangerous with the amount of lightning strikes.
Here are our club guidelines with regards to lightning. 1) If you can hear thunder, you need to clear the fields immediately. 2) If lightning is within 10 miles, you need to clear the fields immediately.
3) Resuming activities - wait at least 30 minutes after seeing lightning or hearing thunder before resuming your activity. You are still at risk of being struck by lightning after a storm has passed. Don’t go back outside just because the rain has slowed or stopped. Parents, if you see that lightning is within 10 miles &/or you hear thunder, please don’t wait and let’s clear the fields quickly. We don’t like cancelling training sessions and it’s frustrating for everyone to make the drive, set up, get going and then having to cancel but unfortunately the weather in South Florida is so unpredictable and we need to put everyone’s safety first. Please see the link below from U.S Soccer regarding lightning and safety https://www.usyouthsoccer.org/news/lightning_safety_outdoors/
Where to be? Attendance For Parents
Do not sit next to or behind the goals.
Working closely with Parks and Rec regarding our discussion of game day counts in regard to the field capacities; The only area not considered part of the field is the parking lot.
Any spectators in swales, heart trail, or beyond the heart trail would still be considered “on the field".
We encourage parents to stay outside "the field" as much as possible. We really need to be compliant with PBC guidelines and Parks and Rec rules and regulations, in order to keep our wonderful program going. GAME INFORMATION- All ages play two halves.
- U5 and U6 have 10-minute halves,
- U8 has 20-minute halves,
- U10 goes 25 minutes,
- U12 goes 30 minutes,
- U14 goes 35 minutes,
- U16 goes 40 minutes,
- U19 goes 45 minutes.
- *HOLIDAYS - up to Coaches to play or not.
- Schoolyard BOYS: Fridays 6PM
Schoolyard GIRLS: Fridays 6PM. -> Choose between a GAME or just PRACTICE with your OWN team.
U6 Boys : Field 3A - 3B. U6 Girls: Field 3A - 3B.
U8 Boys: Field 3C - 3D. U8 Girls: Field 3C - 3D.
U10 Boys 7v7: Field 2A - 2B. U10 Girls 7v7 : Field 2A - 2B.
U12 Boys 9v9: Field 1. U12 Girls 9v9: Field 1.
U14 Boys 11v11: Field 1-2. U14 Girls 11v11: Field 1-2.
U19 Boys 11v11: Field 1-2 - Fridays (90 min for game, 30 min in between games). U19 Girls 7v7: Field 1-2 - Fridays (90 min for game, 30 min in between games).
Thank you.
Email: [email protected]
Regional Commissioner's 1370 Department Recreation league: www.aysoregion1370.com Competitive program: www.boyntonknightsfc.com Development Academy www.sffada.com Summer Camp www.asafsacademy.net |